Pinched Nerve in the Hip/Buttock?

No matter where it is, a pinched nerve is a painful experience. One particularly difficult area to have a pinched nerve is in the buttocks/hips. This can make sitting, driving, and even sleeping difficult until you are able to find relief. If you are experiencing this sort of pain, visiting a chiropractor can help you to identify the cause, rule out any potential related issues, and reduce your pain levels. The goal of a chiropractor is to help you regain normal activity and comfort, and with a pinched nerve in your buttocks, this will be important for you too.
Symptoms of a Trapped Nerve in the Buttock Area
A trapped nerve in the buttocks can cause symptoms that extend from the glutes toward the hips, legs, and occasionally the groin. This condition, resulting from nerve compression, presents a series of signs indicative of its reach and severity:
- Sharp, Burning Pain: Originating in the buttocks, this pain often spreads to the hips and legs, tracing the nerve’s path.
- Numbness or Tingling: Sensations that extend beyond the buttocks, affecting the leg, highlight the nerve’s broad influence.
- Muscle Weakness: A noticeable reduction in strength in the affected leg or foot points to the impact of nerve compression in the gluteal muscles.
- Decreased Mobility: The resulting pain and discomfort can restrict your ability to move, particularly activities involving the hips and legs.
- Sensitivity to Touch: Increased sensitivity in the affected regions, including the buttocks and potentially extending to the groin, can make even light contact painful.
Causes of Pinched Nerve in Buttocks
In most cases, nerve pain in the buttocks and legs is caused by a condition known as sciatica, where the sciatic nerve that is near your spinal canal becomes pinched. In addition to the pain you are feeling, numbness, tingling, and weakness are also signs that sciatica is the cause of your pain. Sciatica itself is usually caused by a herniated disc.
Discs are rubber-like pads that sit between your vertebrae, which are the individual bones that make up your spine. When one of these discs pushes through its covering, this is known as a herniated disc, which can put pressure on nearby nerves, including the sciatic nerve. When the disc that becomes herniated is low in the spine, this can lead to the buttocks and leg pain you are experiencing. While discs can become herniated due to an injury, they are also more likely as you age and the discs begin to break down. A chiropractor in Bend, OR can perform imaging to determine the health of your spinal discs.
When sciatica is not the cause of your buttocks nerve pain, there are a number of other conditions that may be at fault. Spinal stenosis, in which the spinal canal gradually narrows, is one possibility. Piriformis syndrome, Spondylolisthesis, and Deep gluteal syndrome are all other possibilities.
Identifying a Pinched Nerve in Buttocks
It can be hard to tell where the pain in your buttocks originates to trace it back to the sciatic nerve or other causes. For this reason, the best way to determine the cause of your pain is to visit a doctor who can perform a physical exam and imaging such as MRI’s to identify the impacted nerve.
Another reason it can be difficult to identify the source of your pain is that many people experience pain or sensation in different ways. Some will feel a tingling sensation, similar to a limb being “asleep” and numbness that runs down the legs. Others may experience weakness in the legs, pain that radiates down the legs, or simply a deep pain in the buttock. Sitting for long periods of exercise can exacerbate the pain in many cases.

How To Get Rid of Pinched Nerve in the Buttocks
If you are in pain, you will likely try a number of home remedies to reduce the pain. In the case of a pinched nerve, these home treatments can be beneficial:
- Ice and Heat: Ice can help swelling and inflammation, so it is likely a good option for sharp pains. This can be alternated with applying heat to relax muscles and reduce nerve compression. A combination of these two temperatures can be a great first step to alleviate pain.
- NSAIDs: These over-the-counter pain medications can help with pain management as well as inflammation.
When you visit a chiropractor to address your nerve pain, they will be able to offer additional treatments to manage your pain and improve mobility. They may suggest the following as ways to address the condition:
- Muscle relaxants: If pain is not effectively managed by over-the-counter medication, a doctor can prescribe muscle relaxants to help.
- Physical therapy: This is commonly used for people suffering from sciatic nerve pain, as the exercises can decrease nerve pressure and reduce pain.
- Injections: Epidural steroid injections can help with inflammation of the nerve that is leading to pain. This is a more invasive medication, but these injections are safe and effective.
- Surgery: If symptoms continue to progress despite treatment, surgery can be performed to address your specific case.

You do not have to live with the pain of a pinched nerve in your buttocks. At Bend Spinal Care, we offer a range of specialists who are committed to your recovery. Dr. Welker has treated sciatica, disc herniation and nerve pain for 20+ years and has had extensive post doctoral training. Bend Spinal Care is dedicated to relieving your pain and helping you regain mobility. Call us today (541) 318-8627 to address your pain and begin a path towards a pain-free life.